On an island, a pickup truck is indispensable. The pickup beds carry all sorts of "stuff", like food, trash,and fishing gear. Containers of almost every size and material, coolers of all shapes and sizes, bits of foam, and pails are common items. Colorful warp (line, rope), along with equally colorful buoys, trash, and scrap steel, casually lie in the beds, waiting to go to their final destination. The bed also provides the ever convenient trash receptacle to dispose of the occasional soft drink or beer can.
Besides the beds, other areas of the truck are used for other, more creative purposes. Truck parts, such as bumpers, tailgates, and cabs, are used as billboards for the expressions of owners sentiments. Some sentiments are political, some are humorous, but without question all are opinionated.
The images here are a selection of all the excursion images. A book is available with all the Pickup photographs.